I’ve never been that great with secrets. When I learn something, or someone teaches me something new, I want to share it. I think it’s why I chose this career of telling stories for a living. I don’t worry about giving away my secrets, because there’s always something new happening, every day you’re in pre, post, or on set.
And that’s the thing: you have to be really, really interested in learning to succeed in this industry, and, particularly you must be able to learn under pressure. Whether it’s troubleshooting a piece of equipment, figuring out a new lighting setup, working with talent that is flailing, or finding a way to deal with a particularly difficult client- you must be able to find great fixes to any problem that comes up, and quickly.
The truth is, you get better at this sort of thing with experience. And if you stretch- which you should- that experience will keep on coming, until you (God forbid) retire. I say, enjoy it. It is, after all, part of what you signed up for.